
Dental Care

Do you see my CRAZY teeth? Ya, well I am going to get braces in 12 days. The orthodontist said my teeth were not growing in straight, and that there was not enough room in my top pallet. So first I had to get spacers, which are little blue rubber-bands that go between your back teeth. Second, I got an expander, which expands your top pallet. That will hopefully make room for some teeth to grow in. Then I will get braces. You know what those are for.
( the picture is nothing about graduating from 5th grade, it just shows my teeth )


Tana said...

I'm so excited for you. They hurt a bit but they are great when your finished. Congratulations.

Madi said...

They said I had to keep my expander in even longer. poor me!

Madi said...

I cant get braces!