
Halloween is here

This Saturday is our ward's Trunk or Treat. And I still haven't figured out what I am going to be. Any ideas? And fast please!


Tana said...

Best idea ever. All black and some glow sticks. You tie the glow sticks to you and make your self a stick figure. So when it is dark, it looks like a stick figure walking. Hilarious. YOu can even put the glow sticks with a triangle for a skirt, and then you can be the women's bathroom sign.

Madi said...

Thats cute!

Al said...

Hi Madi, no trunk or treats here but we did have a Ward Harvest Party last Saturday. Many people, especially youth, dressed up. There was even a girl dressed up as Sarah Palin, ha ha. I was in charge of parking for the event, grandma had to stay home with her leg injury though. Have a great time.

Madi said...

How did whe get hurt?