
Young Womens

This year I am turning 12.
Last night was our tithing settlement. The bishop asked me, my mom, and my dad what our personal goals were for '09. My goal was to keep all A's.
He also asked us (like every other bishop would) if we had payed a full tithe. I said I had.
He also asked me when I would be going to Young Womens. I said this year.
He was amazed to find out that I had all A's, had payed a full tithe, and I was going to Young Womens soon. I don't really understand what was so exciting about all this, but atleast he was happy!


Tana said...

I think he may be amazed because sometimes people are 34 and not paying a full tithe. You Go Girl! Do you want your mom to take pictures of you on your first day in YW's?

dancerchick23 said...

hey madi, where did you take that picture that you have at the beginning cuz i dont recognize it