
Oh, I'm turning into my DAD!

When my dad was a kid and had braces, he had a loose tooth. Well, turns out that tooth was really loose. The tooth finally came out, but the problem was, he still had braces. So that tooth hung there (stuck to the bracket) for a while.
I had a loose tooth. I thought it would take atleast 2 more months to finally get to the really loose stage. After school yesterday it was bugging me, so I tugged and tugged on it. Turns out, it was REALLY loose, and it came out. So now I have a tooth stuck to my bracket and I can't get it off. Luckily, I have an Orthadonist appointment today. I don't know what would have happened, or how long it would have taken to get it off if I wasn't so lucky!


Tana said...

That is so funny. I had dreams that my teeth fell out all the time but its never really happened!

Kara said...

I have a loose tooth right now but no braces that must of been gross

Madi said...

Ya, it was pretty weird!

dancerchick23 said...

u told me about that and i actually think u showed me that is really funny that the same thing happened to your dad when he was a kid. i accidently left my cell phone at ur house so dont call every one u get a chance to and waste my min. and i DONT have texting!!!!!!!

Madi said...

I know!

Madi said...

I am just doing this to see if my picture will show up.

Madi said...
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