
Snow Day(s)!

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have nothing to talk about anymore. Nothing new is going on in school, nothing new is going on at home and I am just bored. Today and yesterday we had snow days. Yesterday it snowed alot so we got to stay home, no biggy. But TODAY! it snowed 2-5 inches, and then we had freezing rain, then it snowed a bit more, then we had freezing rain, and then it snow just a bit more. Our whole house is coated in ice. It is amazing. SNOW DAY!! (again)


Kara said...

I ve only had a snow day once in my whole life and that was on Valentines of last year

Tana said...

You are so lucky. You get to hang out all day with my favorite Nephews and Niece and my favorite Sister. Watch Cars 15 times, make crafts, eat cupcakes and play with that cute red head. Wanna trade?

Madi said...

You're right about watching Cars 15 times a day!!!

jan'a said...

Hi Madison, you probably don't remember me, but I remember you! I have never had a snow day! That ice storm looks scary. Do you like Kentucky? I would love to move there. I don't have a blog yet, but I'm trying to get one going. But my mom has one. take care!
Jaimie Maughan