

Well it turns out that my sore throat was more than that.
My mom set up a doctor's appointment for me to have my throat checked. After a exam they came back and told me that I have strep throat. They gave me a prescription and they told me I could go back to school on Monday. I have to take these 2 1/2 teaspoons of med. twice a day until the seventh. At least I get to stay home and paint my nails, watch TV, and eat cake!


Heather Williams said...

Lucky you. No school.

Tana said...

EAT CAKE? I thought I was getting some yummy cupcakes in the mail. What's going on over there? Aren't you preparing for my birthday in 36 days? You need to get better and get on the ball.

Madi said...

oh, sorry!! ill try to remember next time!!